List of Publications – Attila Kuki



1. Arató M., Kuki A., Szabó A., Exact distribution of estimator of parameters in Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes Computers and Mathematics with Applications 31(11) 45-54 (1996), Times Cited: 2

2. Angyal J., Kuki A., Keszthelyi G., Instrumental analysis of sagittal condylar motion pathway Fogorvosi Szemle 90(11) 335-342 (1997) (in Hungarian)

3. J. Angyal, Gy. Tovari, A. Kuki, G. Keszthelyi Evaluation of the effect of interocclusal records on inclination of the condylar path Journal of Dental Research, Volume 77 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. B   Pages: 934-934   Meeting Abstract: 2423 (1998)

4. Angyal J, Kuki A, Keszthelyi G, Effect of clenching on a particular occlusal area on the distribution of occlusal contacts Journal of Dental Research   Volume: 80   Issue: 4, 1235-1235, (2001)

5. Farkas C, Hargitai Z, Gaspar L, Kuki A, Csernatony Z, Szepesi K., Histological changes in the symptomatic mediopatellar plica The KNEE, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 103-108 (2004), Times Cited: 2


Research reports

1. A. Kuki, J. Sztrik, G. Bolch Solving Queueing Problems with PEPSY-QNS University of Debrecen Preprints No. 256 (2000)

2. G. Bolch, A. Kuki: Practical Experiences With The Performance Modelling Tool Winpepsy, University of Erlangen, TR-14-05-02 (2005)


Conference proceedings

1. Kuki A., On Latest Field Of Software Reliability, 1st. International Conference on Applied Informatics Eger, (1993) 51-57.

2. Kuki A., Software reliability models, Informatics in the Hungarian Higher Education, Debrecen, Hungary, (1993) 886-892.

3. Arató M., Kuki A., Juhász I., Performance evaluation of modern information tools, NJSZT VI. Országos Kongresszusa Siófok, (1995) 846-854

4. Arató M., Kuki A., Szabó A., Exact distribution of estimator of parameters in Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes bye the help of MAPLE , 2nd. International Conference on Applied Informatics Eger, (1995) 7-22

5. Kuki A., International programming contest of ACM, Informatics in the Hungarian Higher Education, Debrecen, Hungary (1996) 338-343.

6. Arató M., Kuki A., Modern információtechnológiai eszközök hatékonysági vizsgálata, Informatics in the Hungarian Higher Education, Debrecen, Hungary (1996) 90-99.

7. Kuki A. WWW as the source of economical data analysis 3rd International Conference on Applied Informatics, Eger, Hungary (1997) 53-58

8. M. Arató, A. Kuki, Zs. Lencse Experimental news distribution system Proceedings of COMCON 7, Athens, Greece (1999) 783-785

9. A. Kuki, J.Sztrik, G. Bolch PEPSY–QNS: an efficient tool for solving queueing networks 4th International Conference on Applied Informatics, Eger, Hungary (1999) 293-298

10. M. Arató, A. Kuki, Zs. Lencse Experimental news distribution system 4th International Conference on Applied Informatics, Eger, Hungary (1999) 31-34

11. A. Kuki, J.Sztrik, G. Bolch SoftwareTool: PEPSY-QNS in Teaching Queueing Theory Proceedings of Informatics in Higher Education, Debrecen, Hungary ( 1999 ) 166-172 ( in Hungarian )

12. A. Kuki, J. Sztrik, G. Bolch Solving Queueing Models by the Help of WINPEPSY  Informatics in the Hungarian Higher Education, Debrecen, Hungary ( 2002) ) 1166-1171

13. A. Kuki, J. Sztrik, G. Bolch Software tools for network modelling 6th International Conference on Applied Informatics, Eger, Hungary Volume II. 289-296 (2004)

14. A. Kuki Tools in Education of Network Modelling Informatics in the Hungarian Higher Education, Debrecen, Hungary 227-228 ( 2005) (in Hungarian)

15. A. Kuki Teaching Experiences of the It Engineering Course of University of Debrecen Informatics in the Hungarian Higher Education, Debrecen, Hungary 11-12 ( 2008) (in Hungarian)

16. A. Kuki Experiences with Stochastic Modelling Tools International Conference Probability and Statistics with Applications, Debrecen, Hungary 38-39 (2009)

17. A. Kuki The Evergreen SSADM 8th International Conference on Applied Informatics, Eger, Hungary (2010) 339-34212

18. A. Kuki Tools for Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Higher Education of Informatics Informatics in the Hungarian Higher Education, Debrecen, Hungary 70-77 ( 2010) (in Hungarian)

19. A. Kuki The Engineering Information Technology BSc at University of Debrecen Informatics in the Hungarian Higher Education, Debrecen, Hungary 989-993 ( 2010) (in Hungarian)



Conference presentations

1. Kuki A., About ACM Scholastic Programming Contest, SZAMOKT '92 International Conference Oradea, (1992)

2. Kuki A., Statistical Models in Software Reliability, XVI. Seminar on Stability Problems of Stochastic Models, Eger, (1994)

3. Arató M., Kuki A., Exact distribution of estimator of parameters in Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, XVII. Seminar on Stability Problems of Stochastic Models, (1997) Hajdúszoboszló

4. A. Kuki, J.Sztrik, G. Bolch PEPSY–QNS: an efficient tool for solving queueing networkXX International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models Lublin - Nałęczów, Poland, (1999)

5. M. Arató, A. Kuki, Zs. Lencse Experimental news broadcasting system XX International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models Lublin - Naleczów, Poland, (1999)

6. A. Kuki, J. Sztrik, G. Bolch An Educational Tool for Queueing theory 5th International Conference on Applied Informatics, Eger, Hungary (2001)

7. A. Kuki, J. Sztrik, G. Bolch Applying PEPSY-QNS for investigation of queueing systems XXV. Hungarian Conference of Operations Research, Debrecen, Hungary (2001)

8. A. Kuki, G. Bolch, J. Sztrik,  Markov-Modulated Finite-Source Queueing Models and their Applications XXI Seminar on Stability Problems of Stochastic Models, Eger, Hungary (2001)

9. A. Kuki, J. Sztrik, G. Bolch Solving finite source queuing problems with WinPepsy XXII Seminar on Stability Problems of Stochastic Models, Varna, Bulgaria (2002)

10. A. Kuki, J. Sztrik, G. Bolch Network Modelling Tools XXVI. Hungarian Conference of Operations Research, Győr, Hungary (2004) (in Hungarian)

11. A. Kuki Teaching Experiences in Stochastic Modelling 7th International Conference on Applied Informatics, Eger, Hungary (2007)



Arató M., Kuki A., Szabó A., Exact distribution of estimator of parameters in Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes Computers and Mathematics with Applications 31(11) 45-54 (1996), Times Cited: 2

1. Arato M, Fegyverneki S New statistical investigations of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process Computers and Mathematics with Applications 44(5-6) 677-692 (2002)

2. Bishwal JPN, Bose A Rates of convergence of approximate maximum likelihood estimators in the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process Computers and Mathematics with Applications 42(1-2) 23-38 (2001)

Farkas C, Hargitai Z, Gaspar L, Kuki A, Csernatony Z, Szepesi K., Histological changes in the symptomatic mediopatellar plica KNEE, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 103-108 (2004), Times Cited: 2

3. Yilmaz C, Golpinar A, Vurucu A, et al. Retinacular band excision improves outcome in treatment of plica syndrome International Orthopaedics 29(5) 291-295 (2005)

4. Jemelik P, Strover AE, Evans G Results of Resection of Medial Patellar Plica through a Supero-lateral Portal as a Main Arthroscopic Procedure Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaca 75(5) 369-374 (2008)