
Journal papers

  1. Horváth Ádám, Bérczes Tamás Spectrum Renting with Two Finite Source Pools in Mobile Cellular Networks COMMUNICATIONS – SCIENTIFIC LETTERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ZILINA 1a: pp. 4-11. (2015)
  2. Kuki Attila, Almási Béla, Bérczes Tamás, Sztrik János Modeling a QoS Classified Communication in a Multiuser Wi-Fi Environment INFOCOMMUNICATIONS JOURNAL VI:(3) pp. 10-15. (2014)
  3. Tien Van Do, P Wüchner, Tamás Bérczes, János Sztrik, H de Meer A New Finite-source Queueing Model for Mobile Cellular Networks Applying Spectrum Renting. ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 31:(2) pp. 1440004_1-1440004_19. (2014)
  4. Wolfgang Schreiner, Tamás Bérczes, János Sztrik Probabilistic model checking on HPC systems for the performance analysis of mobile networks ANNALES MATHEMATICAE ET INFORMATICAE 43: pp. 123-144. (2014)
  5. T Bérczes, B Almási, A Kuki, J Sztrik The effect of RF unit breakdowns in sensor communication networks INFOCOMMUNICATIONS JOURNAL 5:(2) pp. 11-16. (2013)
  6. T Bérczes, B Almási, A Kuki, J Sztrik Modeling the RF Communication in Sensor Networks by using Finite-Source Retrial Queueing System SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN OF POLITEHNICA UNIVERSITY OF TIMISOARA-TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 58:(72) pp. 183-189. (2013)
  7. J Biro, T Bérczes, A Korosi, Z Heszberger, J Sztrik Discriminatory Processor Sharing from Optimization Point of View LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 7984: pp. 67-80. (2013)
  8. Bérczes Tamás, Sztrik János, Orosz Péter, Pascal Moyal, N. Limnios, S. Georgiadis Tool supported modeling of sensor communication networks by using finite-source priority retrial queues CARPATHIAN JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING 5: pp. 13-18. (2012)
  9. Sztrik János, Bérczes Tamás, Házy Attila The impact of servers breakdown on the performance of proxy cache servers, CARPATHIAN JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING 4:(1) pp. 133-138. (2011)
  10. Tamás Bérczes, Gábor Guta, Gábor Kusper, Wolfgang Schreiner, János Sztrik Evaluating a probabilistic model checker for modeling and analyzing retrial queueing systems. ANNALES MATHEMATICAE ET INFORMATICAE 37: pp. 51-75. (2010)
  11. Bérczes Tamás Approximation approach to performance evalua- tion of Proxy Cache Server systems, ANNALES MATHEMATICAE ET INFORMATICAE 36: pp. 15-28. (2009)
  12. Bérczes Tamás, Sztrik János Performance evaluation of Proxy Cache Servers INFOCOMMUNICATIONS JOURNAL LXI:(7) pp. 36-39. (2006)
  13. Sztrik János, Bérczes Tamás Performance Evaluation of Proxy Cache Servers HIRADÁSTECHNIKA 61 (LXI):(1) pp. 2-5. (2006)
  14. Sztrik János, Bérczes Tamás Performance modeling of proxy cache servers JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE 12:(9) pp. 1139-1153. (2006)
  15. Sztrik János, Bérczes Tamás, Kim, Che Soong The impact of multimedia traffic on the performance of proxy cache server ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS SCIENTIARUM BUDAPESTINENSIS DE ROLANDO EOTVOS NOMINATAE SECTIO COMPUTATORICA 25: pp. 153-169. (2005)

Conference proceedings:

  1. Bérczes Tamás, Horváth Ádám A Finite-Source Queuing Model for Spectrum Renting in Mobile Cellular Networks Proceedings of the 10th International Conference ELEKTRO 2014., 2014. pp. 26-30. (ISBN:978-1-4799-3720-2)
  2. Kuki Attila, Bérczes Tamás, Almási Béla, Sztrik János Investigating the effect of network service breakdown in multilayered cognitive communication system 5th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications: CogInfoCom 2014. (ISBN:978-1-4799-7279-1)
  3. T Bérczes, B Almási, A Kuki, J Sztrik A contribution to modeling sensor communication networks by using finite-source queueing systems In: Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics. 2013pp. 89-93.
  4. T Bérczes, A Kuki, B Almási, J Sztrik, P Moyal A new model of finite-source retrial queues with multi-state server’s breakdown Abstract & Pre-proceedings of 9th International Conference on Applied Mathemetics., 2013.pp. 63-65. (ISBN:978-606-93094-8-3)
  5. T Bérczes, J Sztrik Tool supported analysis of queueing systems with Future Internet applications Abstract & Pre-proceedings of 9th International Conference on Applied Mathemetics. 2013.pp. 104-107. (ISBN:978-606-93094-8-3)
  6. T V Do, R Chakka, J Sztrik, T Bérczes, D Efrosinin An efficient method to solva a two-server heterogenous retrial queue with threshold policy Abstract & Pre-proceedings of 9th International Conference on Applied Mathemetics. 2013.pp. 71-73. (ISBN:978-606-93094-8-3)
  7. Kuki Attila, Berczes Tamas, Almasi Bela, Sztrik Janos A queueing model to study the effect of network service breakdown in a CogInfoCom system IEEE 4th International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications: CogInfoCom 2013., 2013. pp. 205-210. (ISBN:978-1-4799-1545-3)
  8. Stylianos Georgiadis, Pascal Moyal, Bérczes Tamás, János Sztrik A Fluid Limit for the Engset Model – An Application to Retrial Queues ICORES 2013 : Proceedings Of 2nd International Conference On Operations Research And Enterprise Systems. 315 p. (ISBN:978-989-8565-40-2)
  9. Tamás Bérczes, Béla Almási, Attila Kuki, János Sztrik, Revaz Kakubava Modeling the Performance and the Energy Usage of Wireless Sensor Networks by Retrial Queueing Systems PM2HW2N’13 Proceedings of the 8th ACM Workshop on Performance Monitoring and Measurement of Heterogeneous Wireless and Wired Networks. 2013. pp. 133-137. (ISBN:978-1-4503-2371-0)
  10. Sztrik János, Bérczes Tamás, Guta Gábor, Kusper Gábor, Schreiner, Wolfgang Analyzing a Proxy Cache Server Performance Model with the Probabilistic Model Checker PRISM Proceedings of WWV’09, 5th Int’l Workshop on Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems. 2009p.
  11. Sztrik J, Bérczes T Performance Evaluation of Proxy Cash Servers with Unreliable Web Servers Proceedings of Informatics in the Hungarian Higher Education, 2008pp. 186-191.
  12. Sztrik János, Bérczes Tamás A queueing network model to study Proxy Cache Servers Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Informatics. pp. 203-210.1-2

Technical Reports

  1. Wolfgang Schreiner, Tamas Berczes, Adam Toth Analyzing Cluster Scheduling Schemes by Probabilistic Model Checking Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria., Technical report, September 2014 (2014)
  2. Wolfgang Schreiner, Tamas Berczes, Adam Toth Analyzing the Energy Efficiency of Cluster Scheduling Schemes by Probabilistic Model Checking. Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria. Technical report, December 2014 (2014)
  3. Wolfgang Schreiner, Tamas Berczes, Janos Sztrik Probabilistic Model Checking on HPC Systems for the Performance Analysis of Mobile Networks Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria. Technical report, September 2013 (2013)
  4. Bérczes T, Guta G, Kusper G, Schreiner W, Sztrik J Analysing Web Server Performance Models with the Probabilistic Model Checker PRISM RICS-Linz Report No. 08-17, Johannes Kepler University, Ausztria (2008)
  5. Bérczes T, Guta G, Kusper G, Schreiner W, Sztrik J Comparing the Performance Modeling Environment MOSEL and the Probabilistic Model Checker PRISM for Modeling and Analysing Retrial Queueing Systems RICS-Linz Report No. 07-17, Johannes Kepler University (2007)